Poetry As it Once Was by Peter Cressall

 Poetry As it Was Once

 by Peter Cressall 

Poetry As It Once Was by Peter Cressall was published in 2023 by Brown Dog Books. My thanks to the author and the publisher for sending me a copy to review and to Becky at Literally P R for inviting me to take part on the tour.


These poems will both cheer and sadden but, 
above all, 
intrigue the reader,
 encouraging them to dig deeper into the joys of the celebrated poets, 
rather than the modern scanless and rhymeless waffle, 
which is to poetry as rap is to music

My Review

I absolutely loved this small book of poems, each and every one of them.

It has been an absolute joy to read, as my mum would have said "Proper poetry where lines rhyme and thinking is provoked long after the words are read"

Since I received the book it has taken up a permanent place on my bedside table so that I can just dip in and read one each night and think about the content and the thoughts and feelings it provokes.

I have also been found to be setting the sonnets to melodies in my head as I read them and have been playing around with different combinations.

I totally agree with Peter's comments in the back about poetry becoming unpopular and hopefully this is a book that will go someway to changing this attitude. I belong to two book clubs and on the number of occasions where I have stated a love for poetry I have received negative comments from other members of the groups. I hope that it is this type of reader who will take the time to read some of Peter's poems because this is a book that deserves to be read and enjoyed on a regular basis and I loved it.

About the Author

Peter Cressall was schooled in Palestine, Guyana, Barbados and England, but has lived most of his life in South America, where he has turned his hand to many activities, living through (as the Chinese say) interesting times. Before retiring he ran a manufacturing group, and now farms (at a distance): cattle (Aberdeen Angus), wheat, barley, sunflower, oats, maize and soybean. Most of his time is spent on golf and praying for rain.


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