The Wedding Dress Repair Shop by Trisha Ashley

 The Wedding Dress Repair Shop 

by Trisha Ashley

The Wedding Dress Repair Shop by Trisha Ashley was published on 22nd June 2023 by Bantam/ Transworld. My thanks to the author and  the publisher for sending me a copy to review and to Random Book Tours for inviting me to take part on the tour.


Garland Fairford has her dream job as a historical Costumier in London and is engaged to a handsome and successful playwright, Marco.
Whilst working on an exhibition of dresses owned by a Victorian actress, Garland meets a long-lost relative - Honey Fairford. Having no family, Garland is delighted, and intrigued to discover Honey is planning to 
open a wedding dress museum in Lancashire.
When Garland loses her fiancée and her job in the same week, she is excited to accept Honey's offer to work at the museum. Escaping London, and her old life, Garland is then shocked to be confronted with a ghost from her past - Thom.
As Garland starts to repair the beautiful vintage wedding dresses for the museum, as well as her relationship with Thom, could this finally be the chance for her own happy-ever-after?

My Review

This is a beautiful, though sad, dual timeline story set around the stories behind wonderful vintage wedding dresses which Garland is repairing for display in her long lost cousin's , Honey, wedding dress museum. Each dress tells a story of love, loss , tragedy , or a combination of the three. Alongside this is Garland's own personal life  and how events shape her future and take care of her past.

This is one of those lovely stories that you must pack into your suitcase for a holiday read as it has all the ingredients to keep you interested; a love interest that may, or may not happen; an historical 1815 dual timeline story pieced together through the journal of Rosa May, and a lovely tale of new and blossoming friendships between an eclectic mix of different characters.

The Wedding Dress Repair Shop won't disappoint fans , both old and new, of Trisha Ashley and is an excellent way of spending a few hours on a balmy summer evening.

About the Author 

Trisha Ashley's Sunday Times bestselling novels have sold over one million copies 
in the UK and have twice been shortlisted for the Melissa Nathan award for 
Romantic Comedy.

Every Woman for Herself was nominated by magazine 
readers as one of the top three romantic novels in the last fifty years.

Trisha lives in North Wales.

For more information about her please visit or follow her on Twitter @trishaashley


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