Scareground by Angela Kecojevic


 by Angela Kecojevic

Roll up, roll up, the Scareground is in town!

Scareground by Angela Kecojevic was published on 7th September 2023 by Neem Tree Press. 

My thanks to the author and the publisher for sending me a copy to review and to 

The Write Reads for inviting me to take part on the tour.


Twelve-year-old Nancy Crumpet lives above a bakery and her life is a delightful mix of flour, salt, and love. Yet her mind is brimming with questions no one can answer: 

Why did her birth parents disappear? 

Why can she speak with the sky? 

And why must she keep her mysterious birthmark hidden?

Everything is about to change when the Scareground returns to Greenwich. Nancy is convinced it holds the answers to her parents’ disappearance. Nancy and her best friend Arthur Green meet the fair’s spooky owner, Skelter, and discover a world full of dark magic and mystery. Nancy must confront her greatest fears to get to the truth. But is she ready for all the secrets the Scareground will reveal?

My Review

This is the type of story I would love to have read in the junior class at primary school. The story of Nancy and Arthur, and their experiences in the Scareground, draw you in page after spine-tingling page to the world of scary fairground rides and experiences that fill you with dread as to what is going to happen next in this dark, mysterious world of fear.

The descriptive writing that Angela uses feeds the imagination in a way that enables you to create the images in your head of rides and flying ships, slimy slugs crawling over your feet on a ground like jelly, along with cosy warm kitchens with glorious aromas of freshly baked goodies.

Judging by the cliff-hangar of an ending we are hopefully just starting out on a series of books about Nancy and her adventures and I for one cannot wait for the next book.

This is a huge 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 children's book that should have a place on every classroom bookshelf and could lend itself as an inspiration to may project -based activities.

About the Author

Angela Kecojevic is a senior librarian, author and creative writing tutor. She has written for the Oxford Reading Tree programme and the multi-award-winning adventure park Hobbledown where her characters can be seen walking around, something she still finds incredibly charming! She is a member of the Climate Writers Fiction League, a group of international authors who use climate issues in their work. Angela lives in the city of Oxford with her family.


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