Beyond Beige by Sylvia Boulay

Beyond Beige by Sylvia Boulay Beyond Beige by Sylvia Boulay is published today on 28th February 2024 by Ortus Press My thanks to the author and the publisher for sending me a copy to review and to Literally PR for inviting me to open the book tour on publication day. Synopsis “I am old. There was no warning: one minute I was young and the next I tipped into the world of old women. This book is about the joys and horrors of our old age. It will show you the uncensored reality of my experience and that of women who confided in me. You will find humor, despair, and some gritty bits but absolutely no euphemisms. You will either say 'Yes, that's me!' or 'Thank goodness this hasn't happened to me!” Unflinching, honest, and relatable, this illustrated book is neither a celebration of nor a complaint about old age. It is the simple, unadorned truth of a life. Fully illustrated throughout with cartoons and drawings, this fantastic new title shines the brightest of lights...