Bella’s Countryside Christmas by Claire Huston

Bella’s Countryside Christmas

 by Claire Huston

Bella's Countryside Christmas by Claire Huston

 was published by Goldcrest books.

My thanks to the author and the publisher for sending me a copy to review and to 

Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for asking me to take part on the tour.


Fleeing her heartache and horrendous job, Bella stumbles upon a December wedding in the beautiful village of Haileybrook and the spirit of the season moves her to act as a fake date to handsome stranger Jack.

Jack and Bella hit it off, but Bella has to leave in a hurry and their magical evening soon becomes nothing more than a blissful memory.

A year later, Bella is returning to Haileybrook, seeking a fresh start and a quieter life. With a new job close to her cosy cottage home, a peaceful Christmas is surely only days away.

But it’s not long before family surprises, small-town feuds and romantic drama disrupt Bella’s plans, and she has to wonder if being alone is what she really wants for Christmas …

My Review

This is one of those easy reading, slightly far fetched romantic Christmassy reads that is a nice find in a Christmas stocking , knowing that you’ll be able to enjoy a bit of escapism after the madness and Jack and the typical “Will they , won’t they “ scenario that we expect from these cosy romance stories.

This is a story of a wide variety of characters that will have you loving some, hating some, not sure about others and those who you wish were part of your family and those who you are glad they are not !!!!

Bella is a feisty little character who punches way above her designer heels and miniature height , especially when it comes to the gentle giant Jack. I must admit though that when I had worked out that there was a two foot four inch difference in height between the pair of them I just had this all I could think about was developing a crick in my neck from constantly looking up , or down, depending who you were.

The story moves along at an engaging pace and doesn’t dwell on any aspect for too long which I like in cosy romances. 

As I said earlier this is a lovely seasonal book to escape with and I wouldn’t  e disappointed if any more of Claire’s books turned up in my Christmas stocking as she knows how to write, descriptively and at a pace that wants you to keep turning the page without it being stressful.

About the Author

Claire Huston lives in Warwickshire, UK with her husband and two children. She writes uplifting modern love stories about characters who are meant for each other but sometimes need a little help to realise it.

A keen amateur baker, she enjoys making cakes, biscuits and brownies almost as much as eating them. You can find recipes for over a hundred sweet treats at This is also where she talks about and reviews books.


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